Create Shopping Cart Pro using HTML CSS and Javascript


The function of adding products to the shopping cart is an extremely important function that any commercial website should have. This is a function implemented in HTML, CSS and Javascript. To help users save products they are interested in and can buy multiple products at the same time.

The functions of a shopping cart should be:

  • Edit cart: add, edit, delete products inside the cart.
  • Temporarily calculate the total order value: Includes the total price of each product by quantity, and the total price of the entire shopping cart.
  • Retaining shopping cart information: Shopping cart and user information will not disappear when the user turns off the computer or closes the browser. The next time you visit the website, the shopping cart information must still exist.
  • UIUX design: Friendly with different browsers and devices from laptops, iPads to mobile phones. Because this is an important function and the ease of operation will greatly determine the creation of orders for the business.

What are the ways to store shopping cart information: Depending on each programming language, there will be different storage methods. But basically it will include the following main ways:

  • Save to Database when using backend languages.
  • Save to cookies.
  • Save Session.
  • Save to localStogare.

Entering a session, this is a way to directly save shopping cart data to the customer's computer memory, is very convenient but not recommended, because the session data will be lost when the user ends a session, that is, Every time you visit after turning off the computer, the shopping cart will disappear.

In the case of using a database to store shopping carts, the system will require a login registration function to be able to identify shopping cart information by user ID, which will cause inconvenience to medium-sized commercial websites. and small, because users don't want to spend too much time paying. In addition, using the database will waste a lot of memory because there may be a lot of shopping cart information. So using the database will only be suitable for large-scale commercial applications and websites, where users are comfortable with wasting time registering and logging in to experience and the problem of database capacity is not a problem. their problem.

On the contrary, with applications and websites of small and medium scale. Using cookies, localStogare is highly recommended. All user shopping cart data will be saved directly in the user's device memory, making it convenient for users to make purchases and commercial applications will not need to spend money on storing this shopping cart data.

In this article, Lun Dev will provide detailed instructions for creating the function to add products to the shopping cart using HTML, CSS and Javascript. Don't forget to visit the Lun Dev youtube channel to watch more interesting and interesting videos related to code and website design.

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